

  • Full function, ultra portable calibrator
  • AC/DC Voltage output to 1000V
  • AC/DC current to 10A (500A using EA002 Coil)
  • Resistance to 100 MOhms
  • Thermocouple simulation
  • Full compatibility with ProCal software




Transmille have applied their expertise in designing bench and transportable calibrators to create a new generation of multifunction calibrators that offer true portability at a price that ensures rapid return on investment.

On site calibration is performed globally in hostile environments where large and fragile multiproduct calibrators made on site calibrations difficult to perform. The 1000 series is easy to carry at under 10kg (22lbs) and with a small footprint is ready to use anywhere. The 1000A is built into a ruggedised case rated IP67 for protection against ingress of water and dust ensuring a long working life in hostile environments. With a warm-up time of less than 20 minutes to 80ppm accuracy the 1000A is ready to test when you are.

Both portable and lightweight, the 1000 series provides all the capabilities you would expect from a traditional full sized calibrator. With outputs to 1000V and 10A without the need for external accessories, the 1000 series allows you to calibrate a wider workload faster than ever before.




A dedicated rugged and ultra portable design with a fast warm-up time that is ideal for on-site use, designed to calibrate multiple instrument types with power to drive older analogue instruments and the accuracy to calibrate modern digital instruments.


With functions to cover many types of testers to ensure a wide workload coverage, and the ability to configure in either portable or bench top formats, the 1000 Series offers the flexibility that you need.


ProCal is the genuinely easy to use calibration software that complements the 1000 Series calibrators to provide a complete laboratory solution. Maximum calibration throughput is achieved with multi-discipline support.

1000A Specifications

1000A Specifications


Best 1 Year Total Accuracy

0 - ±1000V


Best 1 Year Total Accuracy

0 - ±10A


Best 1 Year Total Accuracy

0 - ±1000V


Best 1 Year Total Accuracy

0 - ±10A


Best 1 Year Total Accuracy

0 - ±100MOhms


Best 1 Year Total Accuracy

1nF - 10uF


Best 1 Year Total Accuracy

1Hz - 100MHz


Best 1 Year Total Accuracy

J / K / T / R / S / B / U / N / E / L / U / C / 10uV°C




H 257mm x W 432mm x D 180mm

1000 Series Brochure

1000 Series Brochure

1000 Series Calibration Resources

1000 Series Calibration Resources

Transmille Product Guide
Transmille Warranty

Transmille Warranty



1000 Series

Transmille’s EA001/EA001A has been designed to minimise typical errors associated with calibration of thermocouple meters that are ignored by other designs.

By making the thermocouple option external, the low voltage output (in the order of 0mV to 100mV, with accuracies in the microvolt level required for accurate simulation) is away from any heat generating components in the calibrator therefore reducing any localised thermal EMF effects.

The inclusion of a Thermocouple plug removes the need to find compensation cables of the correct type, which is a considerable source of error. If the wrong type of compensation cable (for example, when simulating a K type thermocouple, a J type compensating cable) is used there will be a significant error introduced through use of the wrong cable.

Finally, a temperature measurement is conducted at the connection with the UUT, in the thermocouple plug itself. This is measuring the cold junction as close to the internal measurement of the UUT as possible, removing localised differences in temperature.

For further information on the design of our thermocouple option, please view our YouTube video HERE.

Transmille products have been designed to most accurately represent the requirements of modern commercial laboratories and the typical equipment that is found inside.

Almost all modern computers are fitted with a USB interface, so to enable direct connection without the requirement for additional adapters a USB connection is provided.

IEEE 488/GPIB interfaces are typically quite expensive, and are another lead/connection to remember when performing on-site calibration work.

GPIB interface options are available on our multiproduct calibrators, and are included as standard on the 8000 series multimeters.

We believe that safety is a prime consideration of a laboratory, second only to performance of our products.

Imagine a situation where a laboratory technician has finished calibration for the day, and has disconnected the instrument under test, but left the voltage source on at a setting of 1000V AC.

Later that evening, a cleaner comes into your laboratory or facility and touches the test leads left on the bench, potentially receiving a very nasty shock. Transmille have added this safety feature to avoid situations of this type from happening.

There are, however, cases where the timeout wishes to be extended, or even disabled. This can be performed through the Calibrator Setup program via your computer, or can be disabled prior to shipping on request.

Videos & Demos

Videos & Demos

1000 Series MultiProduct Calibrator - Insulation Resistance Option

The 1000 series is the worlds most affordable and portable multi function calibrator. In this video we demonstrate the simple steps to enter insulation resistance mode, to calibrate a typical multifunction tester.

1000 Series MultiProduct Calibrator - Continuity Resistance Function

The 1000 Series Multi Product calibrator is a versatile instrument that matches laboratories wide workload requirements. To increase the workload coverage, Transmille have fitted the 1000 series with the ability to calibrate continuity testers. With variable continuity resistance to 5kOhms, and a maximum testing current of 320mA.

Options & Accessories




1000 Lead

A comprehensive set of test leads providing every connection required for typical measurements

A superior thermocouple simulation/measurement option, using a unique external adapter.

  • Offers fast and accurate calibration of thermocouple meters
  • Uses an innovative external measurement of cold junction temperature for ultimate accuracy
  • Utilising a thermocouple plug removes the requirement for expensive thermocouple compensation cable

Calibrate clamp meters at up to 1500A using the EA002 clamp meter. A unique design enables clamps of all sizes to be used, while minimising errors due to alignment

  • Calibrates clamp meters up to 1500A (30A input)
  • 2/10/50 Turn Coils
  • High accuracy AC/DC design, with minimal errors due to alignment
  • Wide range of clamp sizes covered, from 10mm jaw diameter to larger clamps
  • Alignment table included for accurate and repeatable readings

Instantly add the ability to calibrate tachometers to 60,000 RPM by adding the EA003 to your calibrator

  • High-intensity LED light source
  • Direct keyboard input in RPM
  • Control via ProCal for fully automated calibration
  • Output range from 60 to 60,000 RPM

Enables calibration of source functions of Process Control instruments including voltage, current and resistance.

  • Extends workload of 1000 Series Calibrators
  • Measure source functions from process control instruments
  • Voltages up to 30V
  • Currents up to 30A
  • 2 and 4 wire resistance up to 10 kOhms
  • 24V loop supply


Option INS

Enables calibration of insulation testers up to 1000V/1GOhm, and continuity testers with up to 320mA testing current.available on 1000 series only.

An external pressure module for use with Transmille products, designed to extend capabilities to 1 PSI

An external pressure module for use with Transmille products, designed to extend capabilities to 5 PSI

An external pressure module for use with Transmille products, designed to extend capabilities to 10 PSI

An external pressure module for use with Transmille products, designed to extend capabilities to 50 PSI

An external pressure module for use with Transmille products, designed to extend capabilities to 100 PSI

An external pressure module for use with Transmille products, designed to extend capabilities to 500 PSI